5About William Vonsee
We’re a family of 6, including 2 girls in college, 1 girl in high school, and a 13 year old boy (Liam) with medical, physical, and behavioral disabilities. Dravet Syndrome has not only stolen Liam’s health, but it has also stolen “normality” from our family’s lifestyle. We took a leap during the winter of 2022, and purchased this beautiful RV, to allow us a chance to travel as a family, all while keeping Liam’s safety and health our number one priority. Family travel with our medically complex son is liberating and helps put the consuming challenges of our day-to-day life into perspective. It also allows our family to reconnect outside of doctors, therapies and difficult decisions. It makes us feel whole. It is a pleasure to be able to share this space with other families, in hopes that it brings as much joy to you as it does to us. Please remember as you travel, that this is our family’s home away from home, and has been a long awaited and hoped for chance to travel. Please respect and love our travel-home as much as we do. Please remember that although it may just be someone else’s property to you, it’s a dream come true for us, and a space that we would very much like to keep clean and well maintained for many years of future enjoyment. We thank you in advance for being careful, clean, and respectful. Happy Travels!
5Memories made on trips with William Vonsee's RVs
Adam M.
5August 2024
1 Photo submitted by Adam M.
5July 2024
Danielle F.
5July 2024
David G.
5August 2023
2 Photos submitted by David G.
Lindsey D.
5June 2023
Jason B.
5October 2022
Renee W.
5August 2022
2 Photos submitted by Renee W.