Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2023
92% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Emily Uberti
Hi! I'm Emily and the dog in photos is Lila. We have been adventuring and road-tripping the US for many years. There is so much beauty to explore without traveling far. I can't wait to share our experiences with you and have you take out 1 of my 2 favorite vehicles to camp in. Be sure to check out my road-ready options: Braxton The Van for an all inclusive camping trip with no-set up. Perfect for those that don't want to "rough it" or are heading out to festivals. Beatrix The Jeep for the easiest tent set up and most comfortable driving. Perfect for those looking to connect with nature and have a full camping experience without purchasing their own equipment.
Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2023
92% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours