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About Kacee DeWit

I love to drive, watch sunsets, meet new people, play in the water, and do anything and everything with my co-pilot, Moses (the cutest doggy boy ever).

Outdoorsy memberHost since April 2023


70% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours

Memories made on trips with Kacee DeWit's RVs

Carola H.

0July 2024

Kacee DeWit canceled the booking 6 days before departure. This is an automated posting.

Lesleigh H.

0June 2024

Kacee DeWit canceled the booking 7 days before departure. This is an automated posting.

Tom T.

5October 2023

Kacee is a wonderful human. Her RV is perfect for 1, maybe 2 people to take a quick trip without too much fuss, she has thought of everything and prepared to help you enjoy your time on the road.