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About Ruben furtado

Outdoorsy memberHost since July 2022


68% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours

Memories made on trips with Ruben furtado's RVs

Ton M.

5August 2024


Eric L.

4August 2023

A few days before leaving we had a hard time communicating but after we sorted out the problems communication was good. The RV was ready when we got there and overall was pretty clean, a few minor problems like the cruise control wouldn't work but still usable in our case. Everything we needed was in there that made our lives a little easier...even the toaster!


0August 2023

Ruben furtado canceled the booking 2 days before departure. This is an automated posting.


0July 2023

Ruben furtado canceled the booking 3 days before departure. This is an automated posting.