Outdoorsy memberHost since June 2022
477% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
About Corey Lauth
Hello my name is Corey. I am married with two children! Ours kids sport keep us busier than we ever thought and would love for other families to get use out of our camper!
Outdoorsy memberHost since June 2022
477% response rateTypically responds in less than 12 hours
1 RV available to rent
Memories made on trips with Corey Lauth's RVs
Douglas L.
4July 2024
Joseph S.
3May 2024
It was not the camper we hoped for. Advertised with tv and dvd but we picked it up without them. The RV wasnt clean either so we had to clean it before we put our things in it.