Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2015
25% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
About Hayley Ruth Melidonis
I've been RV'ing for years. My parents took our whole family in an RV around Europe for 3mths when I was seven. Then as an adult, out of college, I bought a VW camper bus (called Morris) and we went all over Europe in it in the three seasons and skied the winter. I owned it for 18mths. I now love to ski, travel, white water rafting, kite boarding. Love everything outdoors! I own a helicopter ski and travel company called Total Heliski (where every day is a powder day), check that out if you're down for adventures like me and hit me up to help you sort out the experience of a lifetime:
Outdoorsy memberHost since August 2015
25% response rateTypically responds in less than 6 hours
Memories made on trips with Hayley Ruth Melidonis's RVs
Deborah N.
5September 2017
The Manper is perfect and made my first trip to Burning Man beyond amazing!... It offered me all of the creature comforts I could have imagined: A frosty little air conditioner to escape the desert heat. A nifty little kitchen. A big comfy bed and plenty of space and privacy when it was time to unwind... I was truly the envy of all my friends and I can't image camping any other way!... Last but certainly not least, Hayley is a seasoned adventurer, a fascinating person, a ton of fun, and she was tremendously responsive and helpful every step of the way... When you decide to rent the Manper, you'll be so glad that you did!