6 Ways To Stay Warm In A Camper Without A Heater

Sarah TaggartJanuary 5, 2019

6 Ways To Stay Warm In A Camper Without A Heater

The onset of cold weather doesn’t have to mean it’s the end of the camping season. Winter camping can have a lot of perks, such as fewer crowds and different types of wildlife ready for the viewing.

Camping can be a year-round experience with the correct know-how and equipment. Here, we offer up some tips to staying warm—without the obvious heater—so you can enjoy camping in any element.

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Insulate your camper walls

This might seem like an obvious solution, but make sure your camper walls are insulated to hold in heat. The metal walls on a bare van or camper will leak heat through the thin metal walls. Insulating your van properly will help you stay warm and combat the colder climates.

If your camping vessel is already insulated, then you’re already one step closer to having a more comfortable night sleep.

Never Idle| Winter Camper
photo cred: unsplash.com

Electric blanket

A sure way to have a warm night sleep in your camper during cold nights is to invest in an electric heating blanket. A good strategy is to layer a regular blanket on top of the electric blanket to trap the heat. If you’re worried about an electrical fire while using a heated blanket, there are many models that include an auto shut off mechanism. This will ensure that you don’t burn yourself or start any fires using the blanket throughout the night. Check out these tips for safe electrical blanket use.

Warm water bottles

This cold weather camping tip is so simple, but it really works! If you keep warm water inside a water bottle and place one or more under your blankets, the heat from the bottle will last awhile and keep you warm throughout the night. Nalgene water bottles make great blanket and/or sleeping bag heaters.

Never Idle | winter camper

Warm up your clothes under the blanket

No one likes to change into cold clothing. An easy hack to warm up your clothes is to put them under your blanket for a few minutes—or for the night before you wear them. The clothes will warm up from your body heat, making them easier to change into on those cold winter mornings. Bonus: now you have a valid reason to stay snuggled up for a few more minutes in the morning.

Wear a knit hat or beanie

You lose a lot of your body heat from the top of your head. By wearing a beanie or a knitted hat, you can stay warm while sleeping. I personally get uncomfortable trying to put a blanket over my head while I am falling asleep. 

Limit your time in the camper on cold days

When camping in the winter, spending some time indoors—but not inside your campervan—can also help combat the cold. If you’re parked at a campground, try spending some time in the clubhouse to relax, watch TV, shower, and do whatever else you need to do. If you need to get some work done or delve into a good book, hangout at places like a nearby Starbucks or a local library—this way you’ll have access to heat and WiFi.

Never Idle | winter camper

With proper preparation, it’s possible to stay warm in freezing temps, and enjoy an adventure in any climate.

Ready to get out there? Find your favorite rig on Outdoorsy today!

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Sarah Taggart, Outdoorsy Author

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