Jessica and Rodrigo Sanchez are true gypsies at heart. They love travel and adventure and are always seeking to try new things. In fact, they love branching out of their comfort zone so much, they’ve decided to travel full time.
Sharing their adventures on their website, The Jetsetting Family and Instagram, the Sanchez’s and their two little ones travel the globe on a mission to squeeze in all the amazing experiences they can.

Headed to Hawaii
Recently, the family took their adventures to Hawaii and shared more about their experience renting a camper van for the first time with Outdoorsy.
“I’ve always had this dream of exploring Hawaii in a van,” Jessica says. “I don’t know why or where the idea came from, but it was definitely something I wanted to do.”
Of course, being a family that follows their dreams, the Sanchez tribe had to give Jessica the opportunity to fulfill this dream, so they hopped online and started hunting for the perfect van.
“When we started Googling, Outdoorsy really stood out. We liked that it seemed safe because of the insurance,” Rod says. “We didn’t really have any concerns renting from them as a company, and the rental process was pretty straightforward.”

Much to love
That good first impression was just the beginning. Jessica loved that her son was excited about the van they rented from the minute he saw it. “When we picked it up he was like, ‘This is the best thing ever.’ He thought it was really cool and he was really excited to sleep in it.”
The family also appreciated the freedom the van allowed.
“I think it gave us the ability to explore more. In a hotel, you get too comfortable where you are and only explore that vicinity,” Jessica explains.
Rod noted that not having to go back to one place every night was a big deal for the family. “There was no time crunch, and if we liked a spot we could just stay,” Rod says. “That was something we really enjoyed.”

Making memories
When asked about other good memories from the trip, the couple had many to share.
“We really liked Camp Olowalu. They had amazing amenities and it was really beautiful,” Jessica says, adding that the van was so charming people would wave or honk when they drove down the street.
The couple agrees that their very best memory, however, was driving the van to Baby Beach to watch the sunrise—an absolutely breathtaking experience they will always remember.

Let’s do it again
While it’s clear the family had a fabulous time exploring Hawaii via camper van, they say they plan to have many more awesome times in rental RVs down the road.
“We’re thinking we will go back to Maui and rent from Outdoorsy again in the future,” Jessica says. “We’d also like to do something similar in New Zealand or Australia if we can.”
All about the Sanchez duo
Favorite morning beverage:
Jessica: “I like to start my day with iced tea.”
Rod: “I like coffee beverages. If it’s hot I’ll have iced coffee. Otherwise, hot coffee is good.”
Favorite campsite meal:
Jessica: “Green chili chicken tortilla soup.”
Rod: “I would also say soup, but I have to add S’mores.”
Music you like to play on the radio:
Jessica: “I’m all about Jack Johnson when I’m driving, which was perfect for Hawaii.”
Rod: “They also have some really cool Hawaiian music stations there too.”
Best game to play on the road or at your campsite:
Rod: “We have a five-year-old son and we are stuck on Uno right now.”
Favorite season:
Jessica “Mine is fall. I love the changing colors and everything pumpkin spice.”
Rod: “I agree, but for me it would be [because of] the lower temperatures.”
Last photo you took:
Jessica: “Today we took photos at Ulun Danu. It’s an Indonesian temple that was built on a lake.”
If you could travel anywhere in an RV, where would you go?
Rod: “Definitely New Zealand. We hear there are a lot of beautiful campsites there.”