When renting an RV, you’re renting someone’s home. Just like with an AirBnB rental or when you’re staying with a friend who’s doing you a favor, there are some things you’ll want to do to be a good guest. Follow these twelve commandments to earn your gold star as a “leave no trace” RV renter.

1. Wash your dishes.
It’s a simple enough concept. The RV owner you rent from know you’re a human, and you probably need to eat food, but don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink when you leave. Likewise…
2. Clean up after yourself.
Be sure the cabinets look just as organized as when you arrived, any mud you tracked in has been taken care of, and you have wiped down the sink and shower (if there is one).
3. Photograph the RV before you put your stuff in it.
That way you’ve got a visual guide to make sure you’re leaving the RV in the same condition you found it in.
4. Avoid Accidents.
It seems obvious, but if minor damage occurs, do the right thing and own up to it. Here’s a guide from Outdoorsy on how to handle any auto accidents you may have.

5. Insured
Not insured? Don’t drive. ‘Nuff said.
6. Conserve Electricity.
If you’re new to RVs, you’re probably accustomed to unlimited electricity (and other utilities) at home. You’ll find that the RVs aren’t built for multitasking. While you may not be able to run an electric heater or the air conditioner while microwaving food, try not to overdo it. Make sure you know where the fuse box is – but being conservative with electricity will help you avoid issues.
7. Be aware of your surroundings.
Does that road look a little iffy for an RV? Then avoid it. Trust your gut. You don’t want to be paying for a tow on your weekend getaway!
8. Follow the rules where you’re parked.
Does the campground have rules about quiet hours? Do they allow you to drink outside of your RV? Whatever you do reflects not just on you, but also the RV owner, so don’t get them in trouble on future visits (it’s their license plate number, after all) by acting too carefree.

9. Leave No Residue
Be sure to clean when you depart as if your job depends on it. No one wants someone else’s toothpaste in their sink!
10. Respect the owner’s requests.
If you were told specific cabinets were off-limits, don’t touch them. Some RVs will be empty when they’re rented, but just like someone’s home, there may be some cabinets that it wasn’t practical to cleanout. Respect their pantry/bathroom cabinet/wine rack and don’t take what’s off-limits. Along those same lines…
11. Don’t touch other people’s things.
12. Say thank you.
Leaving a small gift would be a lovely gesture, but if nothing else, a card or email to thank them for hosting you is a respectful way to show your gratitude.
There’s the list! If you follow these commandments, you’ve earned your gold star. Consider this your virtual sticker. Well done!
Is there anything you’d add to the list?